Reach out to somebody who needs me
Make a change, make the world a better place
’Cause tomorrow could be one day too late
These are lyrics from the Song, "One Day Too Late" by Skillet.
Now I have never heard this song before it came on my pandora station this morning. I listen to it and it really related to the talk that Zach gave at Cru on Love. He asked us, "do you love enough, i will say it again, do you LOVE enough?" Wow thats an intense question, i thought about it and I said yeah I do love alot. Then we watched this video and this man said, "how much do you have to hate someone to not share what you know about eternal life?!" Okay then I thought I love enough to people who I am close to. Like family, my friends from Cru, friends from church. I do not love enough for people who do not know God. I must love my enemies, reach out to them and change the world, make it a better place to live. Becuase if I wait until tomorrow it WILL be too late.
It is as if there was a huge truck coming towards a person who does not know God, and there is a person who does know God who is just standing there watching them get barreled over by this truck. Well there has to be some point when we step in and save them from that truck. Why are we not saving people from the "truck of life?"
People say yeah but what will people think of me? What if they dont accept what I have to say? Will they hate me? Yeah, but its hard!
Who cares you are trying, you are out there telling people that God loves them! YOU are planting a seed of life. That seed is planted and maybe it will grow with time and someone else who is willing and not timid comes across them that seed could grow HUGE and you could have been that one who planted that seed.
Become on fire for God and pour into peoples lives and just love on them!!!!
LOVE ON PEOPLE, THEY NEED IT! <3 class="MsoBodyText">