1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tomorrow is too LATE!

Today I’m gonna love my enemies
Reach out to somebody who needs me
Make a change, make the world a better place
’Cause tomorrow could be one day too late

These are lyrics from the Song, "One Day Too Late" by Skillet.
Now I have never heard this song before it came on my pandora station this morning. I listen to it and it really related to the talk that Zach gave at Cru on Love. He asked us, "do you love enough, i will say it again, do you LOVE enough?" Wow thats an intense question, i thought about it and I said yeah I do love alot. Then we watched this video and this man said, "how much do you have to hate someone to not share what you know about eternal life?!" Okay then I thought I love enough to people who I am close to. Like family, my friends from Cru, friends from church. I do not love enough for people who do not know God. I must love my enemies, reach out to them and change the world, make it a better place to live. Becuase if I wait until tomorrow it WILL be too late.
It is as if there was a huge truck coming towards a person who does not know God, and there is a person who does know God who is just standing there watching them get barreled over by this truck. Well there has to be some point when we step in and save them from that truck. Why are we not saving people from the "truck of life?"
People say yeah but what will people think of me? What if they dont accept what I have to say? Will they hate me? Yeah, but its hard!
Who cares you are trying, you are out there telling people that God loves them! YOU are planting a seed of life. That seed is planted and maybe it will grow with time and someone else who is willing and not timid comes across them that seed could grow HUGE and you could have been that one who planted that seed.
Become on fire for God and pour into peoples lives and just love on them!!!!
LOVE ON PEOPLE, THEY NEED IT! <3 class="MsoBodyText">

Thursday, January 28, 2010

God IS indeed working!

[the question that i would like to ask, why is it that God allows bad things to happen to people,I know that he is a god of love and came to save the world and died for me...]
I got this question today when I was handing out cards fir everystudent.com and this girl asked me this question when i was at lunch and I honestly froze and said well uhh well and then i remembered its not me speaking...I asked God to give me the words to speak and just speak to this girl. I told her what i thought that God puts us through trials and he wants to see if we will trust him throught this hard time in out life...I asked her if she owned a bible and she said yes. Then i told her to read Job, you will see that God puts him through everything and still he goes to God. In the end he gets more than he started with. So awesome right. She looked at me and said I will read this. It was so encouraging today! God gave me these words to speak and he worked today! <3 Thanks God!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love Wins

This weekend was one of the most laziest, uneventful, alone weekends ever...BUT at the same time it was the most amazing, God filled, time well spent weekends. I spent my time in Gods word on Saturday morning, listened to worship music, played some guitar and sang some songs, wrote a talk and prepared a couple of my bible studies! It was most wonderful. I went to church that night as well and it as such an amazing service, wreaked me, and rocked my world. Church on Sunday was wonderful as well, that wreaked me as well. God broke me down again and filled me back up even higher. It was the most amazing this ever, even if it sounds like it is not. To be silent before God and to have him speak to you is awesome and most wonderful! :) I am so pumped for tonight, my bible study is full of these women who love God so much and just look towards him for everything they encourage me so much! :) I encourage you to let God just break you so that he can build you back up stronger! <3

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What does that make me?

So today i heard a song when i was getting for church...there was a part in the song where it says, "You make everything glorious, and i am yours, what does that make me?" Then i thought to myself, if God makes everything Glorious and I am his then what does that make me...it was a really good question for me to ponder all morning. I still have yet to come to a conclusion about something but isnt it cool how God just shows me this part of one of the many songs that i listened to this morning. I have heard this sing many times before but this is the first time i have actually thought about what the song said! :) It was most wonderful! <3 class="UIIntentionalStory_Message" ft="{"type":"msg"}">

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Oh today was so wonderful, got to spend the whole morning with God! I got to read my bible, listen to some music, and even painted while i talked to God! I have been thinking about Haiti alot lately, and how I can help. I have looked into a missions trip as support staff to doctors, but we will see where God has me next year. I really felt like God broke and i just thought to myself what can i do to help. My instant thought was to go over there and help, but its too dangerous and that would not be good for my safety. So then i thought i can pray and thats just as good if I pray for them, they need that alot too. So ive been in prayer for them. My eyes got opened up to the world and just what was in it. I felt so spoiled and almost well totally selfish. I get to eat 3 square meals a day, complain when the food isnt goo. I get to take a hot shower every morning. God has blessed me and my life with my parents, siblings, and wonderful encouring friends! :)
I watched a video today about how this man prayed a prayer, take my life if it will shake the youths nations. That very night he died in a car accident, and then the next day the song, How He Loves, was written and shook the youths nation. As a matter of fact I heard this song at camp for my first time and I fell deeper in love and in a deeper relationship with God. Just to hear that chorus over and over again...Oh how he loves us! And how he is jealous for me...what thats so amazing how much he loves us. And i realizes just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me, so amazing, i really encourage you to sit down and really listen to what this song is saying. It wreaked me and broke me into pieces and i started to cry. Wow God really does answer prayer...this is proof! He is our prize and we should be striving towards that prize!! God has broke me down and is really building me back up this week, he broke me to nothing where i really needed to trust in him! It was awesome to see God work in my life! I encourage you to pray the prayer, God break my heart for what breaks yours, and see what God does in your life. I was so scared to pray this but when i did 2 weeks later he totally wreaked me and broke me hardcore, and you know what it was the most amazing feeling, like actually feeling God break me and sya hey not its time to trust me and relay on me! Amazing, God loves you! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

View on todays world

I now have a new job working as a deskie in my lobby and here's the deal, its harder than i thought that it would be, the work isn't hard but the things that i hear and the state of mind people are in as the walk by. The late night shift is the worst...I felt that maybe i could be a witness to these people. My boss asked me the other day where i was going and i told her Cru, and she asked me what it was and what we did. I got to tell her that I was a Christian and we worshiped God, had fellowship, and had someone talk to us. It was good she asked me a bunch of questions after that! I felt pretty good and then i was encouraged by that and my spirits picked up and remembered that God has his timing and no matter what I am doing I am being a witness to others because ive got Jesus baby! :) It was a real encouragement. I hope that other people ask me as well, I feel like i am ready ad willing to share the love of God with others. These past few days i really feel like God has blessed me and i just realized this. I am blessed and I hope that i can influence others. God finally showed me what it meant when i ask Him to break my heart for what breaks his. Its breaks me to listen to these people talk, the stories i hear, and how they stumble in late at night after a night of partying, it wreaks me. Everyone should feel the love that God has, it is the BEST ever! <3>

Stresses of Life

I have come to realize that i get more stresses out than is needed! I had my first ever panic attack and had another one and it was the scariest thing of my life, i thought for a moment that i was going to die, it was so scary. I just went to God in prayer the first time and just asked him to take it away. We believe that back in bible times that God did all of these miracles for all these people and we think why is He not doing them now, but He IS! Which makes it ten time cooler. He took away my pain and relaxed me the rest of the night when i was at work. Then I had another one, i feel like I need to trust God in whatever he has for me. I get so worried about money for next year, my credit status, outreach, leadership, Cru, math class, homework, summer jobs, and just other things and I need, we all need to remember that God is there through everything that we go through. I realized this today. God said that he will never leave us or forsake us. He is so awesome and loves me so much and I cant believe how His love can be so unconditional like that! I have such a hard time loving people that i do not like, it just makes me love God more knowing how hard I have to try to love these people. Trusting God is harder than it sounds and giving up control and letting him have everything. One time i heard an example, that i have told my bible study, is that lets say you have a car, the car is your life and the driver seat is full control of your life, God should be driving your car instead for some people is running on the outside of the car, in the trunk, in the backseat, or for me in the passenger seat, i do not want to give up full control but i give Him some of my life. I dont understand why i just dont give everything to him, he wants to take alll of my crap and i wont give it to Him, why do i want to hang onto all of my junk? This is a question that i struggle with on a day to day basis! Well thats all for now! Over and Out! <3

Gods Love

God's love is so amazing and he has shown me this. I was talking with a friend the other day about how God is God centered and how we as humans are so self-centered and how we should be God centered! :) This wreaked me i feel and to know that God will never leave me and he is in awe of my weak glance. This is so amazing! He is the Lord of peace!