1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Friday, January 22, 2010

View on todays world

I now have a new job working as a deskie in my lobby and here's the deal, its harder than i thought that it would be, the work isn't hard but the things that i hear and the state of mind people are in as the walk by. The late night shift is the worst...I felt that maybe i could be a witness to these people. My boss asked me the other day where i was going and i told her Cru, and she asked me what it was and what we did. I got to tell her that I was a Christian and we worshiped God, had fellowship, and had someone talk to us. It was good she asked me a bunch of questions after that! I felt pretty good and then i was encouraged by that and my spirits picked up and remembered that God has his timing and no matter what I am doing I am being a witness to others because ive got Jesus baby! :) It was a real encouragement. I hope that other people ask me as well, I feel like i am ready ad willing to share the love of God with others. These past few days i really feel like God has blessed me and i just realized this. I am blessed and I hope that i can influence others. God finally showed me what it meant when i ask Him to break my heart for what breaks his. Its breaks me to listen to these people talk, the stories i hear, and how they stumble in late at night after a night of partying, it wreaks me. Everyone should feel the love that God has, it is the BEST ever! <3>

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