1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love Wins

This weekend was one of the most laziest, uneventful, alone weekends ever...BUT at the same time it was the most amazing, God filled, time well spent weekends. I spent my time in Gods word on Saturday morning, listened to worship music, played some guitar and sang some songs, wrote a talk and prepared a couple of my bible studies! It was most wonderful. I went to church that night as well and it as such an amazing service, wreaked me, and rocked my world. Church on Sunday was wonderful as well, that wreaked me as well. God broke me down again and filled me back up even higher. It was the most amazing this ever, even if it sounds like it is not. To be silent before God and to have him speak to you is awesome and most wonderful! :) I am so pumped for tonight, my bible study is full of these women who love God so much and just look towards him for everything they encourage me so much! :) I encourage you to let God just break you so that he can build you back up stronger! <3

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