1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Oh today was so wonderful, got to spend the whole morning with God! I got to read my bible, listen to some music, and even painted while i talked to God! I have been thinking about Haiti alot lately, and how I can help. I have looked into a missions trip as support staff to doctors, but we will see where God has me next year. I really felt like God broke and i just thought to myself what can i do to help. My instant thought was to go over there and help, but its too dangerous and that would not be good for my safety. So then i thought i can pray and thats just as good if I pray for them, they need that alot too. So ive been in prayer for them. My eyes got opened up to the world and just what was in it. I felt so spoiled and almost well totally selfish. I get to eat 3 square meals a day, complain when the food isnt goo. I get to take a hot shower every morning. God has blessed me and my life with my parents, siblings, and wonderful encouring friends! :)

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