1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I watched a video today about how this man prayed a prayer, take my life if it will shake the youths nations. That very night he died in a car accident, and then the next day the song, How He Loves, was written and shook the youths nation. As a matter of fact I heard this song at camp for my first time and I fell deeper in love and in a deeper relationship with God. Just to hear that chorus over and over again...Oh how he loves us! And how he is jealous for me...what thats so amazing how much he loves us. And i realizes just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me, so amazing, i really encourage you to sit down and really listen to what this song is saying. It wreaked me and broke me into pieces and i started to cry. Wow God really does answer prayer...this is proof! He is our prize and we should be striving towards that prize!! God has broke me down and is really building me back up this week, he broke me to nothing where i really needed to trust in him! It was awesome to see God work in my life! I encourage you to pray the prayer, God break my heart for what breaks yours, and see what God does in your life. I was so scared to pray this but when i did 2 weeks later he totally wreaked me and broke me hardcore, and you know what it was the most amazing feeling, like actually feeling God break me and sya hey not its time to trust me and relay on me! Amazing, God loves you! :)

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