1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wow man this weekend God has stretched me like no other. Emily Aho gave this amazing talk and im pretty sure i cried through the whole thing and it was a really hard day for me. I was so sick of being told what to do and what to do with my life. I applied to Lake Ellen and I was going to raise support for the summer. But then my mom emails me and tells me of this great oppurtunity for the summer, an internship that I an for sure get. As a police cadet for the county. This makes me feel at peace but my other choice i felt like I was at peace with, but my parents were not on board. So I guess that was a way of God saying no this is not for you. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions and I dont know how to do this. I am finding myself saying God, I trust you all the way, but then I think how much am I really trusting him? I need to be full out...and I just feel like I am not. God needs to be the center of all my thoughts. I this I would get to be a light for my family, go to church with my family, and show the Love of God to them! I believe that this is where God wants me. This honestly scares the crap out of me...and I could not tell you why. I do not understand why I cant seem to give everything to God. Why is that so hard, if I call myself a Christian then I should set an example and trust the Lord...but why is this not happening. So this is my challenge this week to trust God and trust that I am doing his will...more or less seek his will! :)

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