1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today was the best day ever!! :D I got to share the Love of God with someone over facebook, shared the gospel with him. God gave me all these bible verses and he asked questions that I used to ask myself so it was so awesome that I could answer them...well that God have me the answers for them. haha God is just awesome! I really want him to use me in huge ways this year, where ever I may end up in the summer, I know that I will be doing God's will and it will be amazing! I really hope that I will let God continue to work in my life, I believe that he always is. Growing me and seeking a deeper relationship with me! :) If you have never shared the Love of God with anyone, pray about it, ask God to give you strength and maybe there will be an opening for you to talk with someone, which would be awesomely sweeet!!! :) I love God's peace, it is so amazing! <3

1 comment:

  1. Awesomeness! That's always exciting and there are so many opportunities at Big Break to look forward to! (well, and the rest of our lives...), but yeah. It's always really cool to see God working in other people's lives!
