1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I have not posted anything in over a week or so. Spring break was pretty good I believe...I cleaned, spent time with my family, my little brother and I went out to lunch, and got to spend some time with God. I feel like when I go home i forget that I have to read...and forget that I need to pray. It was a struggle not going to lie. It was about thursday when I said oh yeah I should probably read this and journal my thoughts on it. I did and that day was awesome. I forget how amazing God makes me feel, this passion that I have never experienced before, its the most awesome joy you could ever have. I love it, but so many times I am putting other things before God. When I went home and went to church...I got to hear my pastor speak...and he spoke about having other idols. My instant thought was...oh I dont have any idols...I dont put things before God. HA FALSE! I put a lot of things before God. Facebook, blogging, friends, homework, cleaning, working out, hockey, texting, work, sleep. There are so much things that I would "rather" do than read my bible. Then I have to remember that God is my world and that is the reason why I am here...to glorify my creator. He is the most amazing thing that I have and all I want to do is worship him...but there are times where I just do other things instead...its makes me frusterated in the most, but I am the ony one that can change that! :) God loves me and just wants to be with Him at all times...in my heart, mind, and soul.

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