1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The previous posts were made by my lovely roomie...well today we are doing the prayer booth again today...not too many people though. This week was pretty rough for me actually. I really felt like I was constantly feeling like the world was being pushed down on me. It was really upsetting. There was one day were I was really upset and I broke down in tears almost all day. I felt as if God was pushing these trials on me and I was well I finally gave in and gave it up to God. It was hard, really hard, but to be able to talk to someone who listens while im going through a tough time was nice. To know that someone was on my side was nice too. Life is hard, not everyone thinks like you, think before you speak, make wise choices, and listen to what God has to say...this is what he taught me this week through my sufferings. I am really thankful for my friends as well, who helped me through it, through reminding me that God loves me and I should boast in my sufferings. I am on the road upward and really excited to see what God has planned for tonight through this joint worship night with Cru and IV. God loves you and wants to listen to what you have to say! <3>

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