1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What Marvels God?

There is a question that I had asked my bible study that I heard from this amazing speaker, I asked them, what marvels you?? They answered with awesome things like nature, kindness, love, being outside, sunsets, ect...and then I threw out the question...what marvels God?? The room was silent. When I had heard this question, i was thinking well nothing of course, God made everything...so what is he marveled by! He proved me wrong, of course. It states in Matthew 8, that this Roman solider comes up to Jesus and asked him to heal his servant. First of all...Romans were pagans and didn't believe in Jesus...second of all Jesus was become very discourged earlier that no one is Isreal had faith and believed that he was the Messiah and wanted to listen to his Good News. This man ran up to Jesus and Jesus said, "I have no seen faith like this in all of Isreal." Wow thats so awesome. Then Jesus goes on to say that because of your faith your servant is healed, go home and be with him. What marvels God is when we have faith in Him! :) Thats so aweosme to hear. This totally rocked my world and I hope is shook your world today as well. Have faith in God and trust im Him, because it marvels Him! <3>

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