1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hey ya'll!
So yesterday I participated in a thing called, "the broken bread meal." It was tough i tell you what! So Its where you eat the food that the kids and people in Africa eat. It did not taste very good but thats okay. So many kids are suffering because they do not have enough money to buy even a meal a day. One girl in her story said that she would give up her meals for her siblings and she would work all day with no place to lay her head at night. This just breaks my heart...but once again what am I doing about it? Nothing. After that I went out to dinner with my friends for a birthday party...then i thought oh good I am a part of this statistic that while 13,000 kids will die today while we will spend 1 billion dollars on food. WOW! How many times have I complained about the food here at school and how bad it is how much food I waste! I hope that you allow God to work in you and break you. I am broken now...now what do I do??

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