1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It is the middle of the week already and what a day it has been! So last night i went to bed think oh man i did so much homework this weekend...then to remember that oh snap ive got to write a paper and study for a test tomorrow in CJ....uhhh so therefore I got up earlier than anyone should be up and wrote that paper and still have yet to study but it will come, you just wait. I really dont want to study but I know that the more I do the better grade that I will get...isnt that just kind of like the bible, you should really study it like there is no tomorrow for when people ask you questions you know the answers and can reference back and you get a "good grade" so to speak in life. It is all connected. Let me ask you a question, how often do we study a study guide if it is giving to us for the hardest test...alot right, lets be honest here! haha So if the bible is like the study guide of life how come we are not studying the crap out it?? And you are...you just keep truckin along friend! Life is full of things, people, and awesome memories...make everyone a good one! You have one life to live...do something about it! :) <3>

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