1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Friday, March 12, 2010

Last night after Cru, we did thing called Late Night Outreach. It was so amazing!!! There were a good 30 of us last night who went out into Marquette and spread the love of God and told them about it. WOW I was totally expecting people to just be like uhhh yeah no thanks I dont want to hear about that. BUT they really do! They want to find a place to belong where this void isnt in their hearts anymore. Also yesterday we starting thing on campus called the Prayer Booth, were we just sat there and people wrote down prayers that they had and at Cru we prayed for them! It was so amazing. When we were done with it though, we did look through them and well God broke me once again...hardcore! I started to cry actually to see and know that people on the campus that I live on are hurting so bad. It really made me realize that God loves us and has called us to spread his love and the good news that we have that needs to be shared. It was a very encouraging day yesterday to know that I was persecuted for Christ, encouraged by Christ, and I am loved by Him! :)

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