1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh man I am starting out with a rough week already, my patience and love for others is being tried already and its more on the fact that I am getting frusterated that I am letting things get to me rather than just giving it to God. Sometimes when I talk to my small group, I feel like no one is receptive and it just makes me feel discouraged to that fact. I am happy though that I am thinking about God every moment of my day and I do fee like I am glorifying him in everything that I do. For some reason I just feel like nothing I say is being taken in a serious matter and makes me really frusterated. But I should not be discouraged by this I should feel the need to do better and do something more for others to show what I am saying.

I guess walk the walk and not just talk the talk. I should be an example of what I say. I would like for others to follow in my foot steps as well. Gods love for me just amazes me to end and his love should be enough for me, but sometimes I feel like i need more. I should be completely satisfied with his loves. Why do i search as if he is not enough...

God has this amazing divine romance that I have never experienced before, he is grace is full and his beauty is rich. Only for him I sing and dance, I will show my love. This is a deep love, everything is for you God, I lift my heart to you and give it all to you and all for you. I rejoice in this romance. I want to feel this every moment of my day, even in the sad times even when I want to give up. I want this to be evident in my life!! :) God loves me more than I can even imagine and I forget that sometimes....

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