1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The Love of God

The Love of God

Friday, March 19, 2010

Everything else as worthless

Oh what a day it was today! So I got a chance to talk with a friend who I dont get to see very often, well I mean I get to see her about every day but we have not got the chance to sit down and talk for a while. I am very excited that I got that chance to do so today.

God had provided us with an amazing night of chit chat. We ended up having coffee and talking about what God is teaching us and how we are using our talents to glorify God. I know that I personally struggle with pride and glorifying self and not for God. So it is really good to be reminded that God has given me these talents to bring praise to his name. I really enjoy playing bass guitar, dancing, and playing hockey...I look at them all in a new light now...knowing that my life would be wasted if I didnt glorify God in everything and every moment.

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ [Philippians 3:8]!!

What if we really did live this way...counted everything as worthless because we know Jesus, how often do I put other things that are worthless in front of God. More than I would like...once is even too much!

The love that God has on us is amazing and all he wants to do is love you, do you want to assume that responsibility and accept that relationship and glorify him?? I know I do! He gives and all he asks is, will be have a relationship with us! Thats pretty legit my friends!! :)

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